In 1996 plain clothes FBI agents invaded the home of Leonard Saye and accused him of being a 'freeman'. The actions of these agents beg the questions:
If a "free" man or woman whose actuarial potential for labor had been bundled and bonded from birth to be issued in
Federal Reserve coinage and promissory notes is not the beneficiary to their own account(s), Treasury or otherwise, who then is authorized to access a "free" persons account(s)?
If someone other than us, the supposedly "free" people who have funded the United States' current monetary system with our labor, are not beneficiaries to our own credits and debits, where is the truth of the stipulations of this contract? (See below, FEDERAL RESERVE HIT IN TALK BY LAMNECK) Is not a contract that lacks full disclosure of its
adhesive nature
Read the following article "FEDERAL RESERVE HIT IN TALK BY LAMNECK" from the April 19, 1937 issue of The Scranton Times to better understand who profits from the printing of money.
Washington, April 19 - Representative Lamneck (D Ohio) told the house today the federal reserve system is committing legally "the greatest burglary in history."
Critizing the system in the midst of a plea that the budget be balanced to avert "calamity," the Ohioan said that for a $300 investment a bank could get a $30,000 return.
"If a burglar had a license to steal, he said, "he would at least have to carry away his loot. The federal reserve system has its loot brought to it."
Lamneck said this was a procedure for a "steal" authorized by congress.
The treasury asks bids for several million dollars worth of bonds. A banker says he will take a million dollars worth and credits the treasury on his books with a million dollars.
Then he deposits the bonds with a federal reserve agent as collateral security for a million dollars in federal reserve notes and agrees to pay the cost of printing the currency - about $300. He now has a million dollars in currency to balance the million dollar deposit he credited to the treasury.
He still owns the bonds and can collect the interest, about $20,000 a year on an investment of $300.
So, Where was the Sheriff of Clark County, Nevada when this crime against a "free" man (Leonard Saye) was being perpetrated?